Wildlife Photography
I have always enjoyed nature and am an avid wildlife lover. I have been pursuing wildlife photography seriously as of late. It is a very demanding type of photography, but also very rewarding. I travel up north often, and sit for hours waiting for a wildlife encounter or photo opportunity.

Algqonquin Park

Pine Marten Algqonquin Park

Algonquin Park 2015

This is a female Black Bear eating red berries by a little river. She had 2 young cubs with her.

This was an amazing moment! This female Black Bear with 2 cubs, walked across the log and straddled it. Her little cub climbed up her back to look over.

This is an young Algonquin Wolf. I was fortunate enough to see 5 wolves in Algonquin Park in 2014! They are very shy and so it is quite lucky to get an image of them. I was able to get 2 images of this young wolf.

This is the same young Algonquin Wolf on the run. He realized he was spotted and took off through the brush. I love wolves and this was such an amazing moment for me. They are demonized by society, but are an amazing, essential animal.

What a beautiful day this was! The sun was just setting, so the light was just amazing. The fox was just enjoyng the end of the day, sitting in the sunlight.

I love the moss surrounding this fox. He was very relaxed and presumably comfortable sitting on the soft moss.

This was taken on a cold and rainy fall day in Algonquin Park. It was pretty quiet as all the crowds were gone. I was able to hang out with them for quite a while. They were so comfortable with me that they actually lied down for a nap! I let them be at that point and gave them their space. I was truly honored to have had that time with them.

This is a photo of a Blacked Capped Chickadee taken up north in Algonquin Park.

This is a beautiful Snowshoe Hare taken up north in Algonquin Park. She was eating a sprig of evergreen, and heard a twig snap. She stood up to see what made the noise, and took cover under a large branch. (It wasn't me!)

This is a shot of a fox up in Algonquin Park. He was searching for food through the thick snow.

This is a female fox looking for food under the snow. Foxes are amazing...they can hear a mouse making noise under many feet of snow! Taken in Algonquin Park.

Super sweet fox on a hill looking out over her domain. Taken in Algonquin Park.

This is a Great Horned Owl taken at a conservation area in Ontario.

This is a female alpha wolf taken at a conservation area in Ontario.